1. Imprint Engine Knowledge Base
  2. IEX Portal Integrations and Automations

How do I set up the IEX Platform REST API?

With the IEX Platform REST API, you can integrate any product that supports a webhook.

Setting up the REST API is very easy! First, you have to get your API credentials. Go to your IEX Platform and on the dashboard, click on "Integration Options". On the API Key section, you can generate a new key or copy the existing one. 

Here are the details for the REST API:

  1. URL: https://us-central1-bluebird-prod-fc31a.cloudfunctions.net/CreateEngagementWebhook

  2. Call and response are in JSON

  3. Authentication: use the headers "x-api-key" and "x-user-email". The API key is the one we just got and use the email associated to that key. Every user has a different key.

  4. URL Parameters (all required): 

    1. "sender_email" (string): it can be yours or you can send it on someone else's behalf if you're an admin

    2. "receiver_email" (string)

    3. "receiver_first_name" (string)

    4. "receiver_last_name" (string)

    5. "campaign_ids" (string[]): an array of campaign ids. Even if it's just one, pass in an array of one. You can see a campaign ID by going to the portal and Assets Manager->Campaigns->Click on a campaign -> Edit campaign. The id will be in the URL

If the call is successful, we will return a 201 with the following JSON values:

  1. "order_id"

    1. "delayed_shipping_url": if it's a physical campaign, we will return the URL for the user to input their address and pick a gift (if needed)

    2. "digital_gift_urls": if it's a digital gift, then it will be the redemption linkOne of two URLs:

    For any more questions, please contact support@imprintengine.com