1. Imprint Engine Knowledge Base
  2. IEX Portal Integrations and Automations

How do I set up my HubSpot to track the status of my campaign sends and status?

In order to track the status of the sends you created. You will need to add two properties to your Hubspot company account. These would be:

  • Imprint Engine Campaign ID

  • Imprint Engine Send Status

You may follow this step-by-step guide to do so:

  1. In your HubSpot Settings, on the left-side menu under "Data Management" select "Properties". Then click on the "Create Property" button.

  2. For the Object type, choose "Contact" and for the group choose "Contact Information". For the Label, you need to type in EXACTLY the words "Imprint Engine Campaign ID".

  3. For the Field Type, choose "Single-line text".

  4. Then, repeat steps 1-3 in creating another property, but the label would need to be EXACTLY "Imprint Engine Send Status".

Once these have been added, these fields will automatically populate once a send has been created for that contact made through the IEX Platform.

This is useful when you need to create reports.

The table below shows the different statuses and what each one represents:

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at support@imprintengine.com